Student Services Staff 

What do we do?

The Student Service Department is prepared to help you make decisions that will not only contribute to your success in school but also prepare you for what lies ahead. Student Services offers opportunities for students to acquire the knowledge, skills, and attitudes inherent in three domains, personal and interpersonal development, learner development, and career development. Confidential access to services is provided within a non-threatening environment.

Personal and interpersonal development refers to the knowledge, skills and attitudes that help students assume responsibility for their actions and interact effectively with others in a variety of roles and contexts.

Learner development refers to the knowledge, skills and attitudes that help students set and achieve learning goals both in and out of school, monitor their own learning and become self-directed learners.

Career development refers to the knowledge, skills and attitudes students require to make informed and appropriate choices and to implement successful transitions from school to work, educational and life roles