Our Key Strategies

To ensure that our students are the first in their families to graduate from a post-secondary institution, DSBN Academy has designed a comprehensive set of key strategies that teachers, support staff and community partners work within. These key strategies engage students within and beyond the classroom environment to promote student engagement and achievement.

Post-Secondary School Culture

The DSBN Academy school culture is rooted in the belief that every student will graduate from College or University. The mission and vision of our school is a shared understanding amongst students, teachers, families and community partners: all focused on preparing students for post-secondary education beginning in Grade 6.

Advisory Program

The DSBN Academy Advisory Program is a key strategy in supporting students as they transition through Grade 6 to 12. Students are assigned to an Advisory group that regularly each week. The Advisory Program allows teachers to monitor and support students’ academic progress, to sustain positive relationships with students and to advise them based on their holistic needs. Goals of the Advisory Program include:

  • Opportunities for students to build community and a positive school culture
  • Development of inter and intra personal skills
  • Academic advising and coaching
  • Preparing students for post-secondary

Parent/Guardian Engagement

DSBN Academy supports parents/guardians as welcomed and valued partners in their child’s development and education. The support of parents/guardians is a key strategy for student success. Our partnerships with parents/guardians and families help our school to become an increasingly positive space for children to learn and grow.

Strong Community Partnerships

DSBN Academy students come to school with a range of personal capacities and opportunities for growth. DSBN Academy recognizes the importance of partnering with families and organizations to support student development, improve student outcomes and develop strong communities. Our school is committed to building and sustaining partnerships that meet DSBN Academy students’ holistic needs and actively support their academic development by coordinating Programs and outcomes with classroom learning. Our valued community partners provide a broad range of services, supports and opportunities that strengthen our mission and support our young men and women to become the first in their families to graduate from a post-secondary institution.


DSBN Academy requires its students to dress in a manner appropriate to a productive educational environment. The uniform is traditional at DSBN Academy and all students are to be in school uniform each regular school day. By adhering to our dress code, DSBN Academy students will continue to be recognized as serious students focused on success. It reflects the students’ commitment to excellence and success, and creates a positive atmosphere for learning.


Transportation to and from DSBN Academy is offered in all 12 municipalities of the Niagara Region. This key strategy provides parents and families the reassurance that even if they relocated within Niagara, their child would still be able to attend DSBN Academy and continue their pursuit towards a post-secondary education.