
  • After attending DSBN Academy for seven years, I can say that it has a supportive and uplifting environment like no other. At DSBN Academy, everything is possible.

    Student - Graduating Class of 2022

  • My secondary school experience, especially Advisory has really prepared me for post-secondary.

    Student - Graduating Class of 2022

  • The time I have spent at the DSBN Academy has made me realize the importance of post-secondary education. I can't think of my life going any other direction other than post secondary.

    Student - Graduating Class of 2021

  • The DSBN Academy has provided me with an unwavering support system, endless opportunities to explore my interests, and confidence in my academic abilities.

    Student - Graduating Class of 2021

  • Every single one of my teachers offered me consistent unconditional support with academics and emotional support; they constantly checked up on me.

    Student - Graduating Class of 2021

  • When I say the Creed every morning, I know that students and teachers believe in me and my future.

    Student - Graduating Class of 2018

  • We are family at DSBN Academy! We all believe and we will all achieve!

    Student - Graduating Class 2020

  • When I need support, I know that I can go to my Advisor.

    Student - Graduating Class of 2018

  • Coming to DSBN Academy was the best thing that ever happened to me.

    Student - Graduating Class of 2019

  • DSBN Academy provides me with opportunties that I need and challenges that I embrace.

    Student - Graduating Class of 2019

  • I love the DSBN Acacdemy Advisory Program - I know that someone is there to help me academically and personally.

    Student - Graduating Class of 2018

  • I am so inspired to go to College or University because of DSBN Academy.

    Student - Graduating Class of 2019

  • DSBN Academy has helped me make good choices. The teachers care about me and do everything they can do help me achieve.

    Student - Graduating Class of 2020

  • I love the Encore Program here at DSBN Academy. They are very fun and educational.

    Student - Graduating Class of 2020

Believe Achieve

Mar.10               Ramadan begins
Mar.22               Spirit Wear Day
Mar.29-Apr 1     Statutory Holiday (Easter)
April 5                Alternate Dress Day
April 8                Professional Development Day
April 9                Ramadan Ends
April 9-11           ENCORE Break 2:05 Dismissal
April 15              Encore Block 4 Begins
April 17              Term 2 Begins
April 19              Spirit Wear Day
April 23              Midterm Reports Issued
May 3                 Alternative Dress Day
May 6-8             Ontario Skills Trade
May 17               Spirit Wear Day
May 20               Statutory Holiday (Victoria Day)
May 31               Alternate Dress Day
June 1                Pride Month Begins
June 14              Spirit Wear Day
June 19-26         Final Culminating Activity Days
June 21              National Indigenous Peoples Day
June 21,27,28    Professional Development Days
June 25              Grade 12 Commencement
July 4                  Semester 2 Final Reports Mailed                               Home